Dynamic Columns

Dynamic columns allow you to create dynamic content based on a row's cells.

Using the dynamic option you can provide an array of column definitions. These include the column name (name) and a function (func). The function receives the current row as argument which you can use to create a custom cell based on its peers. The function's return value is used as cell content.

import { Table } from 'voici.js'

const data = [
  { firstname: 'Homer', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 39 },
  { firstname: 'Marge', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 36 },
  { firstname: 'Bart', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 10 },
  { firstname: 'Lisa', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 8 },
  { firstname: 'Maggie', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 1 }

const config = {
  header: {
    dynamic: {
      fullname: (row) => row['firstname'] + ' ' + row['lastname'],
      adult: (row) => row['age'] >= 18

const table = new Table(data, config);


  firstname    lastname    age    fullname          adult  
  Homer        Simpson     39     Homer Simpson     true   
  Marge        Simpson     36     Marge Simpson     true   
  Bart         Simpson     10     Bart Simpson      false  
  Lisa         Simpson     8      Lisa Simpson      false  
  Maggie       Simpson     1      Maggie Simpson    false  


When using TypeScript, you have to provide the types of your dynamic columns in order to infer them. In the example from above, this would look like this:

interface IDynamicAttributes {
    fullname: string;
    adult: boolean;

const table = new Table<(typeof data)[number], IDynamicAttributes)>(data, config);

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