
voici.js in combination with Typescript.

Type Information

When using Typescript you can provide the type of the dataset rows using the diamond <> operator.

import { Table } from 'voici.js'

interface IPerson {
  firstname: string;
  lastname: string;
  age: number;

const data = [
  { firstname: 'Homer', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 39 },
  { firstname: 'Marge', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 36 },
  { firstname: 'Bart', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 10 },
  { firstname: 'Lisa', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 8 },
  { firstname: 'Maggie', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 1 }

const table = new Table<IPerson>(data);

Here, table.dataset is of type Person[].

If you have nointerfacedeclared, you can still provide the type of your dataset by using new Table<(typeof data)[number]>.


When declaring a config variable you might have to set the according type.

import { Table, Config } from 'voici.js'

const data = [
  { firstname: 'Marge', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 36 },
  { firstname: 'Homer', lastname: 'Simpson', age: 39 },
  { firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Griffin', age: 42 },
  { firstname: 'Lois', lastname: 'Griffin', age: 43 }

const config: Config = { // Set type 'Config'
  order: {
    columns: ['lastname'],
    directions: ['asc']

const table = new Table(data, config);

Last updated